Why You Shouldn’t Use Cotton Swabs to Clean Your Ears?

Do you clean your ears periodically on your own? What is your go-to method to clean your ears? Just like most people, we assume you also use cotton swabs (Q-tips) to clean your ears. It might be your daily routine, or you do it once or twice a week but bottom line we all have done it. But the truth is that using cotton swabs to clean your ears can have more negative consequences rather than positive. Several injuries occur due to using cotton swabs. If you didn’t know this already, here’s a refresher course for you. · Cotton swabs can jam the earwax inside the ear making it more compact and harder to remove over time. · If you use a cotton swab, it will push the earwax in the ear putting pressure on the eardrum. This can cause the eardrum to break resulting in hearing issues. · Cotton swabs can also push the earwax in areas where it can cause pain or temporary loss of hearing. As you can see, cotton swabs can cause major hearing issues for your ear. So, next time when you ...